General Sex Ed — Sex Toys
Ass, Ass, Ass, Ass: All About the Anus
Posted by Javay Frye-Nekrasova on

Anal August is here and if you haven’t heard of it before it is a month about all things anal play, who doesn’t love that. I particularly love this month, because I feel like anal gets a bad reputation because there is not enough education about it. The anus is like the final sexual frontier for most people, something they avoid because they have only ever heard horror stories and bad experiences, but that is not inherent to anal play. That’s why I’m here talking about in this blog and all month long with my sex ed content, because with...
- Tags: Anal Sex, Anatomy, Kinks, Masturbation, Orgasms, Pleasurable Sex, Pleasure, Sex Ed, Sex Education, Sex Toys