
Not Everyone Masturbates, and That's Okay!

Posted by Javay Frye-Nekrasova on

Not Everyone Masturbates, and That's Okay!

Today is the start of Masturbation May and we all know how much I love it, but this month can put pressure on people who do not masturbate and we all know that isn't the sex-positive sex education I am about here at the Millennial Sexpert. So we are gonna chat about why some people don’t masturbate to help normalize it and hopefully ease some of the pressure they may be feeling this month. Masturbation is a personal choice that some people did before and no longer do or may have never tried before. Everyone interacts with their sexuality in...

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Creating Your Pleasure Practice

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

Creating Your Pleasure Practice
Have you decided it is time to introduce a pleasure practice into your life? Are you unsure of where to start? Well, let me give you a guiding hand on how to sort through all the clutter and chaos of life to craft your own pleasure practice!

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All About Orgasms

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

All About Orgasms

For a lot of us, when we think about sexual pleasure we think about orgasms, so let's talk about that. Firstly, why is it that sexual pleasure = orgasm for so many people? Well the main reason is because society has instilled this idea that the two are synonymous or go hand in hand. But that isn't true. Sexual acts can be pleasurable without leading to orgasm. The correlation is also deeply rooted in our society's phallic centered understanding and views of sex, but that is another conversation for another day. So what should you know about orgasms? I think...

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Pleasure Outside the Bedroom

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

Pleasure Outside the Bedroom

It is very common for the word pleasure to be applied to sex related activities, but pleasure can be (and in my opinion should be) applied to every aspect of life. This week's episode of In Bed With a Millennial is all about pleasure outside of bedroom. Do you know what brings you pleasure outside of the bedroom? If you struggle with naming pleasurable aspects let me help. We are going to focus on main areas that can be highly pleasurable: food, hobbies, and relaxation. Have you ever seen the scene in Ratatouille where the food critic tries the dish and...

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Intentionally Adding More Pleasure to Your Masturbation Sessions

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

Intentionally Adding More Pleasure to Your Masturbation Sessions
Looking for ways to make your masturbation sessions more about pleasure and less about just getting off? Let me help you intentionally add some pleasure to your masturbation.

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